Wanted to try out a different WebServer. Setup a basic VPS Server on Vultr.com, Reliability and Performance is very good. Good prices also. If you are interested in Vultr.com here is my referral link http://www.vultr.com/?ref=6818914 I deployed Debian 8 and see below for basic configuration. Hostname Setting the hostname. # hostname vps.yourdomain.com Edit ..
At the very least, you should have a basic linux installation. This how-to assumes you have set up a CentOS 6 x86_64 VPS with 1GB RAM, but it should be applicable to most setups with minimal tweaks. All the commands and changes below should be done as the root user. Interesting way to ..
At the very least, you should have a basic linux installation. This how-to assumes you have set up a CentOS 6 x86_64 VPS with 1GB RAM, but it should be applicable to most setups with minimal tweaks. All the commands and changes below should be done as the root user. Before continuing, make ..
At the very least, you should have a basic linux installation. This how-to assumes you have set up a CentOS 6 x86_64 VPS with 1GB RAM, but it should be applicable to most setups with minimal tweaks. All the commands and changes below should be done as the root user. Before continuing, make sure that ..
Playing around with Tutum which is a web gui frontend to Docker. Right now they only support Ubuntu as a Bring Your Own server. Goto Tutum and setup a free account. There will be a free account that you can use even when the company is out of beta. Deployed a Ubuntu 14.04 VPS ..
I have setup a McMyAdmin (for Minecraft) on CentOS 6. Now my VPS is 2G of ram, 4 CPU cores and 40G ssd hard drive. Some software you will need to install. # yum install screen nano java-1.7.0-openjdk Setup Iptables to allow connection to McMyAdmin. # vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ..
Wanted to setup a Minecraft Server for family and friends. Setup Basic Centos 6 Linux Server. Install needed packages. # yum install screen java-1.6.0-openjdk nano Create User and set password. # useradd minecraft # passwd minecraft (Set password) Download minecraft in the minecraft directory and make it executable. # sudo su - ..
Wanted to play around with Docker and found an interesting Operating System that hosts docker containers. This is what I had to do to get it up and running on my Mac OS X with VMware Fusion. Lets start by downloading CoreOS. Lightweight Cluster Server. I downloaded the stable branch, you could also ..
I updated my VPS with more memory and disk space. This is what I had to do, to use all the space on a bigger hard drive with a LVM partition. To see the current disk usage # df -h To see the current partitioning # fdisk -l Create a new partition ..
I thought I would try out the new version of CentOS. Below are some things I have noticed which are different from the older versions. CentOS 7 x86_64 minimal install. Make sure to enable network interface eth0 (Name is different in Centos 7) # vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno1677736 (Enable ONBOOT=yes) or use # nmtui which ..